Seller Resources

7 Staging Tricks to Make Your Home Look Bigger
You want your home to be at its finest for possible customers when you put it on the market. You will need some staging tricks to make your home look bigger. Continue reading to discover how to arrange rooms, how to do it cheaply, who can help you, and what mistakes people make when selling a house.

How to Stage Your Home for Millennial Buyers
The majority of people who are buying real estate today are millennials. If you know how they think and what they prefer, you can get a better price for your property!

How to Add Value to Your Beverly Hills Home
We can all agree that Beverly Hills is the epicenter of luxury! So, if you plan on selling your Beverly Hills home anytime soon, you must make sure that it too is nothing less than luxurious. If you want to make your home stand out on the market, you wish the buyer's jaws to drop, and if you plan on making this sale profitable, keep on reading.

Unexpected things that affect the value of your property
Whether you're selling or purchasing a new home or an investment property, you should consider how much the property is truly worth. So, what variables influence the value of a home? Several of them affect the value of a property, ranging from location to planned infrastructure, amenities, size, and visual appeal. We will show you what drives property prices up and down and how to estimate the value of your investment property or house. These are the unexpected things that affect the value of your property!

The 7 most valuable home improvements
Fixing and remodeling a house takes a lot of dedication and work. Especially for those who aren't well versed in such tasks, this can be an excruciatingly exhausting process. That being said, once you realize that you don't need to rush, do this alone, or do everything at once, you will feel a significant amount of pressure lift off your chest. Although home improvements often come with stress and tension, it doesn't have to be that way. Take the time to go through some of the more basic enhancements and fixes that'll make all the difference and pay off in the long run.

Short-Term Homeownership - Is it Worth it?
Purchasing a home is one of the most significant life-changing decisions you could make. Therefore, if you are considering buying, you have probably devoted sufficient time thinking about it. However, sometimes unexpected occurrences have an impact on your well-thought plans. You might have to change your job, which entails moving to another city, or you plan on flipping a house. Whichever the reason may be, you might be wondering if short-term homeownership could wreck your finances. Owning a place for a short period is a risky venture. However, there still are ways to make it as profitable as possible.

Remodeling- How to Get Started?
No matter if you've remodeled your home a hundred different times or if you've lived in the same old house for a while, spaces get dull over time. Although the home we live in once seemed fresh, new, and exciting, it's only natural to get used to your surroundings. On one side, it's great to live in a familiar space where you feel at home.

Do School Ratings Impact Home Values?
When deciding what home to buy, many potential buyers weigh their wants and needs including the price, size, architectural style, commute time and of course, the location of their target house against the challenging realities of the current market. Homebuyers are increasingly adding another priority to their wish list – quality schools.

Bad Home Improvements That Hurt Your Home's Value
So, is it finally time to renovate and remodel your entire home, and give it a new look? Or, are you looking for simple ways to refresh your living area? Well, if you expected to get a bunch of advice on how to embellish your house, you are in the wrong place! Instead, what I am about to do is talk about bad home improvements that hurt your home's values. Pay attention and let me save you a small fortune that you could otherwise spend in a more productive manner.

The Functions of an Escrow
Buying or selling a home (or other piece of real property) usually involves the transfer of large sums of money. It is imperative that the transfer of these funds and related documents from one party to another be handled in a neutral, secure and knowledgeable manner. For the protection of buyer, seller and lender, the escrow process was developed.

Title Insurance When Refinancing Your Loan
Lower interest rates have motivated you to refinance your home loan. The lower rate may save you a tremendous amount of money over the life of the loan, but you should also expect to pay the lender the typical closing costs associated with any new loan, including service fees, points, title insurance protection and other expenses.

Title Insurance Requirements for Insuring Trusts
In today’s world of busy probate courts and exorbitant death taxes, the living trust has become a common manner of holding title to real property. The following may help you understand a few of the requirements of the title insurance industry if title to property is conveyed to the trustee of a living trust.

Home repairs you shouldn't do yourself
A lot of people like to consider themselves as quite capable handymen. So, does that mean that you should handle every repair by yourself? Of course not. There are numerous home repairs you shouldn't do yourself, even if you are only trying to sell your home and want to be as cost-effective as possible.

Understanding Foreclosures
It is an unfortunate commentary, but when economic activity declines and housing activity decreases, more real property enters the foreclosure process. High interest rates and creative financing arrangements are also contributing factors.

Mechanics’ Liens
The mechanics’ lien is a right that a state gives to workers and suppliers to record a lien and ensure payment. This lien may be recorded where the property owner has paid the contractor in full and the contractor then fails to pay the subcontractors, suppliers, or laborers. Thus, in the worst case, a homeowner may actually end up paying twice for the same work.

Living Trusts
Estate planners often recommend Living Trusts as a viable option when contemplating the manner in which to hold title to real property. While not comprehensive, this blog post provides answers to many commonly asked questions.

Lead Poisoning
Lead poisoning is a serious problem that can lead to adverse health problems. Federal law requires that sellers disclose known information on lead-based paint hazards before selling a house.

Condominium and PUD Ownership
Builders, in an effort to combat the dual problem of an increasing population and a declining availability of prime land, are increasingly turning to common interest developments (CIDs) as a means to maximize land use and offer homebuyers convenient, affordable housing.

Common Ways of Holding Title
Real property can be incredibly valuable and the question of how parties can take ownership of their property is important. The form of ownership taken -- the vesting of title -- will determine who may sign various documents involving the property and future rights of the parties to the transaction.